Author's Guidelines
Stecab Publishing

Written by - Publishing Team

02 January 2024

1. Accepted Manuscript Types

1.1. Research Article
1.2. Review Article
1.3. Case Study
1.4. Short Communication

2. Accepted File Formats

2.1. Manuscript: Microsoft Office Word format (.doc/.docx)
2.2. Dependent files: Any additional files related to the manuscript, can be one of the format image, pdf, doc, or dataset.

3. Flexible Submission Format

3.1. Although the journal asks for a formatted manuscript it is not mandatory. If the submittable file is prepared according to the Author’s Guidelines, Publication Ethics, and No Conflict of Interest and contains Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Result & Discussion, Conclusion, and References then it is acceptable for the review evaluation.
3.2. The journal has a proper guidelines for manuscript preparation but the article can have any format of table, figure, even references. After completing submission if that will not comply with the journal’s format then you will be notified to correct it.
3.3. In the submission period if your article’s references are not in APA 7th edition then please submit to the system and make the necessary changes after getting feedback from the editorial office.

4. Cover Letter

A Cover letter will be appreciated if the author is attached during the submission. The cover letter should be a short description of the whole research and should mention the significance of the study, and the findings of the research and clarify for what reason this article is suitable for the journal.
The cover letter must have the statements that the submitted article is not considered by other journal and all the authors must consent to submit the manuscript.

5. Author Information

To identify the author uniquely the journal asks for the following information during the submission.
5.1. The Author should provide the full name in this name the author’s certificate will be issued.
5.2. The author can mention at most two (2) institutional affiliations with the designation.
5.3. Author’s affiliation can have the position, institution, address, and country.
5.4. It would be highly appreciated if the author mentioned the interested research area.
5.5. The journal discourages mentioning the Dr./Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Researcher/Student etc. in the author's name in the final paper.

6. Conflicts of Interest

All authors must disclose any and all conflicts of interest they may have with the publication of the manuscript or an institution or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented. Authors should also disclose conflicts of interest with products that compete with those mentioned in their manuscript.

7. Manuscript Organization

The jouranl recommend the Manuscript Template and following guidelines to prepare their article before submitting for evaluation.

7.1. Language

The Stecab Publishing is only accepting those articles that are written in English. Those articles are written in any other language is not acceptable for the further evaluation. On the other hand the publisher follows APA 7th Edition for referencing style.

7.2 Manuscript length

Any research or review articles may have 15-25 pages with the references. Case study, report, or short communication may have minimal pages, but must ensure the following required key points.

7.3. Document Formation

To prepare an article, the author should submit a MS Word document file that has the below contents in Three (3) sections. 1. Head Page, 2. Main page, 7.3.3. Trail Page. Every page should have 1" margin to left, right, top, and bottom. The line height should be 1.15, before every main section a new line should be placed. The references should have a 0.25" left indent from each paragrpah's second line. It would be highly appreciated if you kindly download the manuscript template and place your content in every section. The document should be prepared with Times New Roman font, for the heading and title the font size should be 14 pt and Bold otherwise every other content would be 12 pt and Regular.

7.3.1. Head Page

In this page, the following key information should be delivered. All the information should have in the first page and the other information should be started in a new page. Title

The title of the intended article should be in a single sentence, precise, selfexplanatory, and to specific that deliver the whole research's theme. Every word of the title should be in Word Case except any conjuction, article, and preposition. Author's Information

After immediate the research title, a new line will be placed and the list of author(s) should be mentioned sequentially. Every author must provide a. Full Name (Not initials), b. Affiliation (Designation, University/Institution, Address, Country), c. Email. An author may have maximum of 2 affiliation in the finally published article. Abstract

A concise and factual abstract is required (no more than 250 words). The abstract should have a self-contained, citation-free and state briefly the purpose of the research, methodology, key results/findings and magnificent conclusions. The abstract should be in a single paragraph with running sentences. Do not use any subheadings or point lists within the abstract. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Keywords

Immediately after the abstract, a maximum of 5 keywords, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, 'and', 'of') should be provided. The keywords should be arranged in alphabetical order and capitalize each word format.

7.3.2. Main page

In this section, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Result and Discussion, and Conclusion will be placed. Every section should be sequential and labeled by serial number, as like as manuscript template. Introduction

The Introduction section contains a brief idea of the research, the requirement for this research, the problem statement, the Author’s contribution to their research, etc. Adequate latest reference citations should be included to show the prevailing challenges and importance of recent work. This section should be concise, with no subheadings unless unavoidable. State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background related to your work, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. This section can have multiple sub-section and it is recommended to follow the numbering sequence as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, …… Literature Review

Most of the social science research articles include a literature review. It usually contains the significant contribution of past papers to justify the adopted theory and variables. Further to develop hypotheses, it can be divided into subsections. Literature should be written concisely in detail by maintaining the continuity of the texts and cited the original work following APA 7th edition in-text citation format, e.g., Single authored document (Author’s Surname, 2021); Double authored document (1st Author’s Surname & 2nd Author’s Surname, 2021); Multiple authored document (1st Author’s Surname, et al., 2021). Methodology

This part should contain detail description to reproduce reported data. It can be divided into subsections to demonstrate data type and collection, and also if several methods are described. Methods already published should be indicated by in-text reference; only relevant modifications should be described. The methodology should be written concisely in detail by maintaining the continuity of the texts. Result and Discussion

This section may each be divided by subheadings or may be combined. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. This should explore the significance of the findings of the work, don not repeat them. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature only; instead, discuss recent literature to compare your work to highlight the novelty of the work given recent developments and challenges in the field. Conclusion

Each manuscript should include a conclusion section that contains the major outcome of the study, highlighting its importance, limitation, relevance, application, and recommendation. Do not use any subheading, citation references to another part of the manuscript, or point list within the conclusion.

7.3.3. Trail Page

Author(s) are also encouraged to describe Dependent Materials, Appendices, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, Author’s Contribution, References (APA 7th edition). References

American Psychological Association (APA) citation and referencing style 7th edition. Example of some references are-

Diquito, T. J., Franco, A. S., & Caballes, M. E. (2024). Problem-based Learning (PBL) Using Resource Mining as a Teaching Approach: An Action Research. Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 1(2), 10-18. (Journal article)

Maxneef, M., Elizalde, A. & Hopenhayn, M. (1987). Human Scale Development (S. H. O. Nordberg & Advisory (eds.). Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Sweden. (Book)

United Nations. (2019). World Population Prospects 2019: Methodology of the United Nations Population Estimates and Projections. Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Dynamics. (Report) Acknowledgement (Optional)

All acknowledgments (if any) should be included in a separate section before the references and may include funding sources, supporting grants with grant numbers, list of people who contributed to the work in the manuscript but not listed in the author list. Appendix (Optional)

All the abbreviations, tables, figures, that may enhance the understanding of the article should be placed here. Copyright Statement

The authors should be agree to declare that all the used data and responsibility carries by the author themself. The publisher will not be responsible for any wrong information, misconduct, etc. Data Availability Statement

The author should declare the data availablity statement of the research. The jouranl recommends the author to prepare all data to share with the editorial team for justification. Funding Statement

The authors should list all funding sources at the end of the article and in the Funding Statement section. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their funder information and designation.

7.3.4. Table

All the content of the table should be editable and labeled as (Table 1. Caption of the table.). The table label should be at the top of the table and the source of the table should be bottom of the table. An example of table is given below-

Table 1. Caption of the table.
Element Year Unit Value
Food supply Food supply Food supply Food supply
2016 2015 2014 2013
kcal/cap/d kcal/cap/d kcal/cap/d kcal/cap/d
2,245.00 2,257.00 2,276.00 2,211.00
Source: UN Data.

7.3.5. Image and Figure

All the images and figures must be openly accessible and labeled as (Figure 1. Caption of the figure.). The table label should be at the bottom of the image/figure and the source of the table should be bottom of the image/figure. An example of image is given below-

Figure 1. Dendrogram of keywords evolution.