Editor's Guidelines
Stecab Publishing

Written by - Publishing Team

02 January 2024

The editor and editorial team of a journal plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity and quality of the publication. This is an upaid duties that enhance the quality of the scholarly research. Here are the key responsibilities typically associated with the editorial team:

1. Editor-in-Chief

1.1. Provides vision and direction for the journal.
1.2. Establishes and enforces editorial policies and standards.
1.3. Makes final decisions on manuscript acceptance or rejection.
1.4. Sets long-term goals and strategies for the journal's growth and impact.
1.5. Acts as the journal’s representative at conferences and within the academic community.

2. Managing Editor

2.1. Oversees the entire manuscript submission and review process.
2.2. Acts as a liaison between authors, reviewers, and the editorial board.
2.3. Manages publication schedules and ensures timely publication of issues.
2.4. Ensures consistency and quality in the journal’s content and layout.

3. Associate Editors

3.1. Manages the review process for submitted manuscripts within their area of expertise.
3.2. Identifies and assigns appropriate reviewers for manuscripts.
3.3. Provides recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief based on reviewers’ feedback.
3.4. Assists in identifying and soliciting high-quality content for the journal.

4. Section Editors

4.1. Focuses on specific sections or types of content within the journal.
4.2. Oversees the review process for their designated sections.
4.3. Engages with authors to ensure high-quality submissions in their section.

5. Editorial Board Members

5.1. Provides guidance on the journal’s editorial policy and direction.
5.2. Regularly reviews submitted manuscripts.
5.3. Promotes the journal within the academic community.
5.4. Assists in identifying potential contributors and reviewers.

6. Reviewers

6.1. Provides unbiased, constructive, and timely reviews of submitted manuscripts.
6.2. Offers detailed feedback to help authors improve their work.
6.3. Maintains confidentiality and adheres to ethical standards in the review process.

7. Production Editor

7.1. Manages the technical aspects of preparing manuscripts for publication.
7.2. Ensures that the final layout meets the journal’s standards.
7.3. Conducts final proofreading to catch any errors before publication.

8. Copy Editor

8.1. Edits manuscripts for clarity, grammar, and adherence to the journal’s style guide.
8.2. Ensures consistency in terminology, formatting, and references.

9. Marketing and Outreach

9.1. Develops and implements strategies to promote the journal.
9.2. Engages with the academic community through social media, conferences, and other platforms.
9.3. Manages subscriptions and distribution.

10. Technical Support

10.1. Maintains the online submission and review system.
10.2. Provides technical support to authors, reviewers, and editors.

Each role within the editorial team is crucial for maintaining the journal's quality, integrity, and reputation. Effective collaboration and communication among team members are essential for the journal's success.

Apply for Editorial Team

To be a part of the editorial team member, there are some requirements. The requirements are as follows-

  • The applicant should be an academic or potential researcher.
  • The academia should have a designation with a minimum of Associate Professor.
  • For those young researchers who have already published at least 10 articles then the designation can be considered.
  • Should have in-depth knowledge and expertise in the specific domain covered by the journal.
  • The applicant should have an academic portfolio like a Google Scholar Profile, or ResearchGate Profile, or Personal Website.

If you have all the requirements then you are welcome to .