Written by - Publishing Team
02 January 2024
Preliminary Review
After submitting any article, the editor of the journal preliminary review the whole article and check the manuscript whether it is maintained to the ethical standard, it is developed according to the manuscript template, the article is suitable for the particular journal. The assigned editor can make a decision on the article, accepted for review, request for revision before undergoing the review process, or decline the submission.
After successfully passing the preliminary review process, it will be assigned a minimum of two experts on the particular research area for the double-blinded peer-review.
Reviewer Selection Process
Reviewers are selected for each article based on their expertise in the subject matter of the submitted manuscript. The editorial team carefully chooses one or more most qualified reviewers who have relevant knowledge and experience in the specific area of the submitted article.
Reviewer Confidentiality
All the reviewers are expected to maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts they review. They are responsible to not disclose any information about the manuscript or its content to others before publishing the article.
Reviewer's Recommendations
It is requested to the assigned reviewers to provide descriptive feedback and objective comments on the manuscript's fairness, weaknesses, and scopes for improvement of the article. Based on the reviewer's evaluation, they make one of the following recommendations to the editorial team:
Accept Submission: This recommendation means the manuscript meets the journal's criteria and scopes and can be accepted for publication without major corrections.
Accept after Minor Revision: This suggestion states that the manuscript requires minor correction before publishing to address specific concerns raised by the reviewers
Major Revision Required: This decision maybe recommended when an article does not align with the journal criteria but can be improved by correcting a significant part of the article.
Decline Submission: This decision describes that the article does not comply with the journal policy and is not recommended to publish.
Benefits for Reviewers
There are some benefits for the honorable reviewers