Research Article

Pastoring the ICT World: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities


  • Adekuba Usman Department of Information Technology Management, Global Wealth University Lome, Togo. ICT Unit Theological College of Northern Nigeria Bukuru, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria


In a world where Information and Communication Technology (ICT) affects almost every aspect of life, pastoral care must adapt to meet the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of individuals in the digital age. This paper explores the unique challenges and opportunities that ICT presents for pastoral ministry, including the potential for digital outreach, the risks of digital disconnection, and strategies for effective pastoral care in a tech-driven world. Key areas of focus include the necessity for digital literacy among clergy, the integration of artificial intelligence in digital counseling, and the use of data analytics to understand digital engagement in religious activities. By examining case studies and current practices, this paper offers insights and recommendations for pastors aiming to integrate ICT into their ministries effectively. The goal is to equip religious leaders with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate this complex landscape while maintaining the core values and mission of their ministries.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Pastoral Care Digital Outreach Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics

Article information


Journal of Computer, Software, and Program

Volume (Issue)

1(1), (2024)





How to Cite

Usman, A. (2024). Pastoring the ICT World: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Computer, Software, and Program, 1(1), 23-31.


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