Research Article

Language in Math: Narratives of Mathematics Teachers in the Shift of Medium of Instruction in the Time of Pandemic


  • Jan Angelo Morata Louella Gotladera Alcoba National High School, Sorsogon, Philippines

  • Kelvin Carl Fulay J. P. Laurel High School, J. P. Laurel, Bulan, Sorsogon, Philippines


A widespread effect of the pandemic disrupted opportunities to participate in mathematical activities in educational settings. The education setup shifted from a face-to-face to a modular approach. This qualitative narrative analysis research paper aimed to examine the perceptions of Mathematics Teachers at three separate public high schools about socio-mathematical norms practiced in their respective educational spaces and their usage of language in teaching the subject during COVID-19. A descriptive method of research was used to answer the objectives set in the study. Analysis of data was done through interview questions with three mathematics teachers in Bulan, Sorsogon. Results of the study show the teaching emphasis on the different distance learning modalities, the implementation of learning activity sheets, and the challenges encountered in the shift of medium of instruction in teaching mathematics during the pandemic. Finally, future studies may be undertaken to further analyze the perceptions of mathematics teachers in a broader perspective. This paper also recommends further exploring and revisiting DepEd programs regarding the implementation of modular distance learning.


Mathematics Medium of Instruction Narrative Socio-Mathematical Norms

Article information


Journal of Education, Learning, and Management

Volume (Issue)

1(2), (2024)





How to Cite

Morata, J. A., & Fulay, K. C. (2024). Language in Math: Narratives of Mathematics Teachers in the Shift of Medium of Instruction in the Time of Pandemic. Journal of Education, Learning, and Management, 1(2), 41-47.


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