Research Article

Validating the Climate Resiliency Framework for Road Projects in KPK, Pakistan


  • Irfan Ullah Pathan National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, 25000, Pakistan
  • Mohammad Mukhlis Behsoodi National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, 25000, Pakistan, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alfalah University, Jalalabad, Nangarhar, 2602, Afghanistan

  • Muhammad Sagheer Aslam National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, 25000, Pakistan
  • Ezatullah Latifi Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alfalah University, Jalalabad, Nangarhar, 2602, Afghanistan


This study validates a recently developed framework aimed at assessing the climate resiliency of road projects, recognizing the increasing impact of climate change on infrastructure, especially transportation networks such as roads. The framework provides a standardized and systematic approach for evaluating how well road projects can withstand and adapt to climate change impacts, including challenges like flooding, extreme temperatures, and rising sea levels. Conducting the research through a case study approach, we applied the framework to three specific road projects: Drabo Road, Chino Road, and Shahi-Barawal Road. The results revealed the resiliency scores for each project—Drabo Road scored 55.5%, indicating a partially resilient status; Chino Road received a score of 47.9%, signifying an acceptable status with room for improvement, also classified as partially resilient; Shahi-Barawal Road obtained a score of 50.2%, placing it in an acceptable and partially resilient category. This investigation showcases the framework's effectiveness in identifying vulnerabilities and recommending adaptation measures. The research contributes to the development of a practical tool that can assist engineers, planners, and policymakers in making informed decisions regarding the design, construction, and maintenance of road infrastructure in the face of climate change. Ultimately, the goal is to enhance the overall resilience of road projects and minimize potential damage caused by climate change impacts.

Article information


Scientific Journal of Engineering, and Technology

Volume (Issue)

1 (2)





How to Cite

Pathan, I. U., Behsoodi, M. M., Aslam, M. S., & Latifi, E. (2024). Validating the Climate Resiliency Framework for Road Projects in KPK, Pakistan. Scientific Journal of Engineering, and Technology, 1(2), 19-23.


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Climate Change Framework Resiliency Road Projects Validating