The Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science (JAHSS) is a peer-reviewed and open-access international journal published by Stecab Publishing. JAHSS aims to disseminate cutting-edge research and innovation with the highest practice of ethical standards by passing rigorous double-blind peer-review processes. The journal also encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, current research, and advanced study in the wide area of arts, human science, and social science.
The journal covers the area of arts, human, and social sciences research but not limited to-
- Visual arts
- Conceptual art
- Literary arts
- Performing arts
- History
- Language
- Law
- Philosophy
- Religion
- Civil service
- Tourism
- International relations
- Human rights
- Human Psychology
- Cultural studies
- Social development
- Communication studies
- Open Access: All the articles of this journal are open to access for all the authors, reviewers, readers, editorials, etc. Only the author pays Article Processing Charges (APC) to publish the article.
- High Visibility: After publishing every article on the website, immediately being uploaded to the registered archiving database, including Google Scholar.
- Opportunity for Reviewer: Those researchers who are interested in reviewing articles alongside their own publication will receive a token of appreciation for the next publication or referred publication and will get a recognition certificate.
- Best Ethical Practice: We are promised to follow the highest ethical practice in academic publication, a confidential peer-review process, transparency, fairness, and community standards.
The journal accepts manuscripts that are written in the English language.
Publication FrequencyThe journal follows an online first publication approach while considering three issues in a year.
Article Processing ChargeThe journal does not charge any fees for submission, subscription, or publication. It only asks for the Article Processing Charge (APC) which is 50 USD for the current issue. This APC covers the journal website hosting, editorial office expenses, etc.
ToolsThe editorial workflow is maintained by the Open Journal System (OJS) developed by PKP and customized by Stecab Lab.
ContactStecab Publishing
Rajshahi, Bangladesh