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Grammatical Deviations in the Lesson Plans Among Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) English Students
This study sought to analyze the grammatical deviations from the collected lesson plans of BSED English students. It also describes the types and causes of grammatical deviations that occur in their lesson plans. The data were taken from the 41 collected lesson plans of BSED English students who were enrolled during the second semester of the school year 2022-2023. The qualitative-descriptive research method was used to substantially analyze the grammatical deviations within the content of the collected lesson plans. The researcher and three validators checked and reviewed the generated data to ensure that the grammatical deviations were accurately identified. The Grammatical deviations that were found in the lesson plans among BSED English students across all year levels were: subject-verb agreement and verb form. The findings revealed that subject-verb agreement had the highest occurrences of deviations due to the influence of their language transfer, which often had distinct systems and patterns, while the verb form had moderate occurrences. The findings transpire that BSED English students are not merely regarded as grammatically incompetent, just because of grammatical deviations found in their lesson plans. Nonetheless, they should be understood that their grammatical deviations are influenced and shaped by the sociolinguistic reality, language variations, and cultural backgrounds. Which can still be used as a medium in delivering the lessons, and likewise influence the learners’ academic development.
Philippine English Grammatical Deviations Grammatical Features Lesson Plans
Article information
Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Volume (Issue)
1(1), (2024)
Copyright (c) 2024 Deo J. Galvez, Marie L. Celesio (Author)
Open access

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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