Research Article

International Students’ Relationship Formation in a Multicultural Setting: A Phenomenological Inquiry


  • Mahlon Juma Adventist University of Africa, Ongata Rongai, Nairobi, Kenya


International students who do not build meaningful friendships have psychological and social issues, as well as weak academic and decision-making skills. The study investigated international students' relationship formation in a multicultural setting in the Philippines, using psychoanalytic transference theory and the functional model of friendship formation. Using transcendental phenomenology, audio-recorded one-on-one interviews were conducted with 12 enrolled students from 12 nations. The data was transcribed and analyzed. According to the findings, co-national friendships were favored for psychological and emotional support, as well as the perpetuation of home cultures. Students who favored host-national friendships over multicultural home ties reported higher levels of life satisfaction, fewer social issues, and a greater appreciation for culture. Students who favored host-national connections overcame home ties and had more life satisfaction, fewer social issues, and a greater appreciation for culture and were more likely to marry and work in host nations. Furthermore, friendships enhance one's lifestyle and psychological well-being, provide enjoyment and satisfaction, enhance critical thinking, and reduce stress as well as criminal activity. The implications of the findings were examined.


Friendship Formation International Students Philippines Transcendental Phenomenology

Article information


Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

Volume (Issue)

1(3), (2024)





How to Cite

Juma, M. (2024). International Students’ Relationship Formation in a Multicultural Setting: A Phenomenological Inquiry. Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 1(3), 18-37.


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