Research Article

Cloning and the Biblical Concept of Creation: A Religio-Ethical Appraise



The advent of cloning has sparked intense debates within scientific, ethical, and theological circles. While the practice offers groundbreaking possibilities, it challenges foundational beliefs about life and creation, particularly in the context of biblical theology. This article explores the intersection of cloning and the biblical concept of creation, examining the theological implications and ethical challenges posed by cloning technologies. A critical evaluation of biblical texts and ethical principles rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition highlights the tension between human innovation and divine sovereignty in creation.


Biblical Creation Bioethics Cloning Ethics Imago Dei Theology

Article information


Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

Volume (Issue)

2(1), (2025)





How to Cite

Aimiehinor, O. S. (2025). Cloning and the Biblical Concept of Creation: A Religio-Ethical Appraise. Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 2(1), 22-26.


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