Research Article

Scientific Literacy Assessment Using Bybee’s Scientific Model: Towards a More Sustainable Science Education


  • Jessa Aquino University of Mindanao, Philippines
  • Wendelyn Caingcoy University of Mindanao, Philippines
  • Ronnaliza Zamora University of Mindanao, Philippines
  • Tomas Jr Diquito University of Mindanao, Philippines


This research addressed an important gap in evaluating the scientific literacy of freshmen college students, an area that has yet to be fully explored and requires deeper investigation. Scientific Literacy is a form of literacy that dwells on a person’s ability to understand scientific concepts and relate it to real life. In this study, the use of Bybee’s four scientific literacy dimensions (nominal, functional, conceptual, and multidimensional level) were used to assess the scientific literacy of freshmen college students. The use of descriptive-quantitative research design was used to attain the general objective of this study. A validated 72-item questionnaire was implemented to 407 respondents who are officially enrolled in the SY 2023-2024. In analyzing the data, the use of percentage, mean, and Kruskall-Wallis H tests were utilized. Results of the overall scientific literacy level can be interpreted as “did not meet expectations” for both life science and physical science. In addition, all levels of four scientific literacy based on Bybee’s scale are also interpreted as “did not meet expectations”. Findings also revealed that respondents experienced much lower performance in physical sciences compared to life science in the overall scientific literacy, nominal, functional, and conceptual levels. When analyzed by gender, data shows statistically significant differences in the overall life science scientific literacy and overall nominal and functional literacy. However, when further analyzed, gender shows a statistically significant difference in physical sciences in both nominal and functional literacy. In terms of strands, data shows no statistically significant difference. Thus, the findings of the study suggest an enhancement program to alleviate the current status of scientific literacy among freshmen students. In addition, a reform in the current strategies and curriculum should also be considered as part of delivering scientific literacy among learners. 


Bybee Scale Competency Assessment Learning Science Science Assessment Science Education

Article information


Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

Volume (Issue)

2(1), (2025)





How to Cite

Aquino, J., Caingcoy, W., Zamora, R., & Diquito, T. J. (2025). Scientific Literacy Assessment Using Bybee’s Scientific Model: Towards a More Sustainable Science Education. Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 2(1), 8-21.


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