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The Correlation Between Self-Disclosure, Academic Hardiness, and Academic Stress on Vocational High School Students
Implementing an independent curriculum aims to create a flexible teaching and learning process but often creates academic pressure that impacts student academic stress. In this case, students need to recognize the conditions and situations that exist so that self-disclosure becomes an important step that needs to be owned, as well as a resilient personality that makes students able to deal with stress and accept academic situations that arise as a step of self-development. The research was conducted on 238 students of vocational high school “X” students in Surabaya using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results showed that self-disclosure and academic hardiness correlate with vocational students' academic stress. Students with self-disclosure can express self-information, supported by the personality of academic hardiness, which makes a person stronger, resistant, and optimistic so that academic stress decreases. The following result shows that self-disclosure negatively correlates with vocational students' academic stress. Self-disclosure with the closest person can reduce academic stress because problems and conflicts in the surrounding environment can be expressed to their friends. The third hypothesis result shows that academic hardiness has a negative correlation with the academic stress of vocational students. Students with resilient personalities can deal with stressors positively because they can identify activities around them.
Article information
Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Volume (Issue)
2(1), (2025)
Copyright (c) 2025 Faradiba Permatahati, Suroso, Niken Titi Pratitis (Author)
Open access

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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