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Assessing Effectiveness of Constituency Development Fund on Women Empowerment Program: A Study of Women in Dairy Farmers in Choma District in Zambia
This study examines the effects of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) on women's empowerment programs, focusing on women dairy farmers in Choma District, Zambia. It examines the types of support provided, the effectiveness of these programs at the household level, and the limitations hindering their success. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, using purposive sampling of women dairy farmers and key stakeholders, with data collected through structured questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions. Findings indicate that CDF has positively influenced women dairy farmers, with 40% reporting increased milk production and 20% noting higher income. The most common support included training on dairy farming techniques (30%), financial assistance (24%), and input provision (20%). At the household level, improvements were observed in dairy productivity (26.5%), healthcare, education access, and income (24.5% each). However, challenges such as inconsistent fund disbursement, limited infrastructure, and gender-related barriers persist, with 72% acknowledging positive impact but 24% experiencing no or negative effects. To enhance CDF effectiveness, the study recommends improving access to affordable dairy inputs, expanding training programs, facilitating financial support, and investing in critical infrastructure. Gender-sensitive planning, equitable resource allocation, and robust monitoring mechanisms are essential for sustainable women’s empowerment in dairy
Constituency Development Fund Dairy Farming Gender Sensitive Planning Rural Development Women Empowerment
Article information
Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Volume (Issue)
2(1), (2025)
Copyright (c) 2025 Felix Chifunda Musemvu, Kelvin Chibomba (Author)
Open access

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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