Research Article

Moral Implication of Big Brother Naija (BBN) on Nigeria Youths


  • Jibrin, Amos Ochimana Department of Religious Studies, Prince Abubakar Audu University Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria


The phenomenon of Big Brother Nigeria (BBN) has garnered significant attention due to its moral implications on Nigerian youth. This paper delves into the ethical ramifications of BBN on the younger generation of Nigeria, exploring how the show’s content influences their behavior, values, and perceptions and other factors that are responsible for moral decline among Nigerian Youths. The rise of reality television programs, such as BBN, has perpetuated a culture of voyeurism and sensationalism, which raises concerns regarding the impact on the moral fabric of Nigerian society. BBN exhibits a wide range of behaviors, including deceit, manipulation, and public humiliation, which can normalize and desensitize the youth to these negative actions. One of the primary moral implications of BBN on Nigerian youth is the erosion of traditional values and ethics. This study adopts historical, descriptive and sociological approaches. It was revealed that the show often emphasizes materialism, instant gratification, and superficiality, promoting a value system that prioritizes fame, wealth, and self-interest.  On the positive side, BBN also exposes the Nigerian youth to diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. It offers a platform for social issues to be discussed, raising awareness and encouraging critical thinking. It concludes that, its content and presentation have the potential to shape the behavior, values, and perceptions of the younger generation. The study recommends that the citizens and government should rise to take serious measure against the activities of Big Brother Naija or better still to set laws that will check and regulate their activities.


Moral Big Brother Nigeria Youth

Article information


Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

Volume (Issue)

1(1), (2024)





How to Cite

Jibrin, A. O. (2024). Moral Implication of Big Brother Naija (BBN) on Nigeria Youths. Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 1(1), 15-20.


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