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DMO and TTPs' Perspectives: Exploring Promotional Strategies and Challenges in Marketing Cape Coast as a Tourist Destination
The focus of this investigation is on the promotional strategies and obstacles encountered by Tourism Trade Practitioners (TTPs) and Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs) in their efforts to promote Cape Coast as a tourism destination. Using qualitative research methods, it identifies critical promotional activities, including festival promotion, social media use, and digital platforms. It also emphasises problems such as low community engagement, insufficient resources, and bureaucratic constraints. To strengthen Cape Coast's competitive position, recommendations emphasise the adoption of digital marketing tools, the promotion of local participation, and the enhancement of stakeholder collaboration. For practitioners seeking to increase tourist arrivals in Ghana, this research provides actionable insights and contributes to the destination marketing literature.
Destination Marketing DMOs Marketing Challenges Marketing Strategies Tourism Promotion TTPs
Article information
Journal of Economics, Business, and Commerce
Volume (Issue)
2(1), (2025)
Copyright (c) 2025 Francis Quaye Junior (Author)
Open access

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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