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Aboveground Biomass Modeling of Forest Stands in Licuan-Baay, Abra, Philippines
Climate change induced by global warming is the most important environmental concern facing the globe today. The study aimed to develop a model in determining the aboveground biomass of forest stands through remote sensing in licuan-baay abra, Philippines. It determined the total carbon, carbon dioxide of the forest stands. The developed models of ndvi, savi, sri, and evi were also compared to select the best model suited for estimation above ground biomass of forest stand. The estimated above-ground biomass using the regression models developed is 8m mg/ha-1 for ndvi, sri and savi while evi has an estimated agb of 7m mg/ha-1 respectively. But the four-model developed has a correlation of above ground biomass and the vegetation index. Therefore, enhance vegetation index is highly recommended in this study since R squared among the four-vegetation index has the highest total value computed and has the lowest total value computed in the rsme (mg/ha-1) which indicated as the most accurate to predict the above ground biomass of forest stand.
Article information
Journal of Environment, Climate, and Ecology
Volume (Issue)
2(1), (2025)
Copyright (c) 2025 Reynald T. Islao, Emerson V. Barcellano (Author)
Open access

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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