Article section
Forest Fibers for Traditional and Contemporary Weaving Practices
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs), particularly for weaving purposes, are abundant in Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. These resources have a significant impact on the economy and culture of the indigenous locals. This study assessed the forest fibers in the Panaytayan communities and local handicraft stores. The assessment covers the inventory and plant index of forest products, community directory, and SWOT analysis. The study was conducted through key informant interviews, community immersion, interviews with locals, observations, and documentation. The findings of the study revealed that the community possesses a wealth of natural resources like non-timber forest products (NTFPs), particularly buri fibers, which are readily available for weaving. Various community groups, both formal and informal, engage in the production and marketing of woven products, with initial steps taken towards introducing them to the international market. While local stores offer a diverse range of woven products, primarily handcrafted from local materials by community members, insufficient marketing efforts limit their sales potential. The compilation of assessments can help enhance the marketing efforts for woven products, strengthening the production and business skills of community artisans, and promoting sustainable harvesting and forest management practices. These interventions can be aligned with the livelihood community development efforts of concerned private and public agencies.
Community Directory Non-Timber Forest Products Plant Index Swot Analysis Traditional and Contemporary Weaving
Article information
Journal of Environment, Climate, and Ecology
Volume (Issue)
1(1), (2024)
Copyright (c) 2024 Rhea B. De Guzman, Catherine M. Campo, Jared M. Melendres, Edgar Wal-An, Marilou C. Lozano (Author)
Open access

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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