Research Article

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Electronic Human Resource Management Systems on Human Resource Performance (e-HRM): A Case Study of the Kalumbila Mining Sector


  • Chilufya Chitambala Department of Business Administration, Information and Communications University and Zambia Research and Development Center, Lusaka, Zambia

  • Kabubi M. Marvin Department of Social Research, Information and Communications University and Zambia, Research and Development Center, Lusaka, Zambia


This research analyses the effectiveness of Electronic Human Resource Management Systems (e-HRMS) on human resource performance within the Kalumbila mining sector, motivated by the need for operational efficiency and effective workforce management. The study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of e-HRMS in enhancing HR performance by identifying key performance indicators, examining user satisfaction, and evaluating the contribution of these systems to organizational efficiency and employee engagement. Employing a mixed-methods approach, quantitative data were collected through surveys targeting HR personnel and employees utilizing e-HRMS, focusing on metrics such as process efficiency and data accuracy. Qualitative insights were gathered from in-depth interviews with managers and stakeholders, alongside a comparative analysis of HR performance metrics pre- and post-e-HRMS implementation. Preliminary findings indicate that e-HRMS implementation has significantly improved data management and process automation, leading to a reduction in administrative workload and enhanced decision-making capabilities. User satisfaction is notably high, with many employees appreciating easier access to HR services. However, challenges, including system integration issues and the necessity for ongoing training, were identified. These findings suggest that while e-HRMS has the potential to greatly enhance HR performance, continuous support and training are essential to maximize benefits. The implications of this study provide valuable insights for HR professionals and decision-makers in the mining sector, emphasizing the importance of strategic implementation and ongoing evaluation of e-HRMS to achieve optimal results.


Electronic Human Resource Management Systems (e-HRMS) Human Resource Performance Operational Efficiency Process Efficiency User Satisfaction

Article information


Journal of Exceptional Multidisciplinary Research

Volume (Issue)

2(1), (2025)





How to Cite

Chitambala, C., & Marvin, K. M. (2025). Analyzing the Effectiveness of Electronic Human Resource Management Systems on Human Resource Performance (e-HRM): A Case Study of the Kalumbila Mining Sector. Journal of Exceptional Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1), 23-46.


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