Research Article

Teaching and Learning Process Transformation using New and Emerging IT Trends in the Nigerian Educational System


  • Zarma Ali Wakil Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute, Gombe State, Nigeria
  • Kamaluddeen Musa Yashi Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute, Gombe State, Nigeria
  • Aminu Adamu Ahmed Federal Polytechnic Kaltungo, Gombe State, Nigeria
  • Yusuf Musa Department of Computer Sciences, Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nasarawa State, Nigeria


This study investigates how IT trends affect teaching and learning in the Nigerian educational system. It starts off with a summary of the current IT trends being used, such as the usage of technology in classrooms, accessibility to the internet, use of mobile devices and educational apps, and incorporation of virtual and augmented reality. The report then looks at how these IT trends have improved teaching and learning, including increased motivation and engagement, personalized learning experiences, easy access to a variety of learning resources, and chances for collaborative learning. However, there are obstacles to integrating IT trends into the Nigerian educational system, such as a lack of equipment and resources, a lack of digital literacy among teachers and students, reluctance to abandon the use of conventional teaching techniques, and privacy and security worries. The provision of professional development for teachers, the development of infrastructure and internet connectivity, the promotion of digital literacy, and addressing privacy and security issues are some of the strategies for successfully integrating IT trends in education. The study also provides examples of how IT trends have been successfully implemented in Nigerian schools, including the use of online tests, virtual and augmented reality in science instruction, and educational apps for individualized learning. Future directions and suggestions are then given, highlighting the necessity of increasing access to technology and internet connectivity, incorporating cutting-edge IT trends like artificial intelligence and machine learning, offering teachers ongoing professional development opportunities, and fostering collaboration between the government, educational institutions, and technology providers.


Teaching and Learning Process Transformation New and Emerging IT Trends Nigerian Educational System

Article information


Scientific Journal of Engineering, and Technology

Volume (Issue)

1(1), (2024)





How to Cite

Wakil, Z. A., Yashi, K. M., Ahmed, A. A., & Musa, Y. (2024). Teaching and Learning Process Transformation using New and Emerging IT Trends in the Nigerian Educational System. Scientific Journal of Engineering, and Technology, 1(1), 28-34.


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