Author's Guidelines

Accepted Manuscript Types

  • Research Article
  • Review Article
  • Case Study
  • Short Communication

Accepted File Formats

  • Manuscript: Microsoft Office Word format (.doc/.docx)
  • Dependent files: Any additional files related to the manuscript, it can be one of the format image, pdf, doc, dataset.

Flexible Submission Format

  • Although the journal asks for a formatted manuscript it is not mandatory. If the submit able file prepared according to the Author’s Guidelines, Publication Ethics, and No Conflict of Interests and contains Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Result & Discussion, Conclusion, and References then it is acceptable for the review evaluation.
  • The journal has proper guidelines for manuscript preparation but the article can have any format of table, figure, even references. After completing submission if that will not comply with the journal’s format then you will be notified to correct it.
  • In the submission period if your article’s references are not in APA 7th edition then please submit to the system and make the necessary changes after getting feedback from the editorial office.

Cover Letter

Cover letter will be appreciated if the author is attached during the submission. The cover letter should be a short description of the whole research and should mention the significance of the study, and the findings of the research and clarify for what reason this article is suitable for the journal.
The cover letter must have the statements that the submitted article is not considered by other journals and all the authors must consent to submit the manuscript.

Author Information

  • To identify the author uniquely the journal asks for the following information during the submission.
  • The Author should provide full name in this name the author’s certificate will be issued.
  • Author can mention at most two (2) institutional affiliations with the designation.
  • Author’s affiliation can have the position, institution, address, and country.
  • It would be highly appreciated if the author mentioned the interested research area.

Conflicts of Interest

All authors must disclose any and all conflicts of interest they may have with the publication of the manuscript or an institution or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented. Authors should also disclose conflicts of interest with products that compete with those mentioned in their manuscript.