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The Journal of Medical Science, Biology, and Chemistry (JMSBC) is a peer-reviewed and open-access international journal published by Stecab Publishing. JMSBC aims to disseminate cutting-edge research and innovation with the highest practice of ethical standards by passing rigorous double-blind peer-review processes. The journal also encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, current research, and advanced study in the wide area of medical science, biology, chemistry, and pharmacy.
The journal covers the area of medical science, biology, chemistry-related research but not limited to-
The journal accepts manuscripts that are written in the English language.
The journal follows an online first-publication approach while considering two issues in a year.
The journal does not charge any fees for submission, subscription, or publication. It only asks the Article Processing Charge (APC) that is 50 USD 30 USD for the current issue. This APC covers the journal website hosting, editorial office expenses, DOI fees, etc.
The editorial workflow is maintained by the Open Journal System (OJS) developed by PKP and customized by Stecab Lab.
Stecab Publishing
Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Email: jmsbc.journals@stecab.com
Website: https://journals.stecab.com/index.php/jmsbc