Current Issue

Current Issue

Vol. 1 Issue 1: Scientific Journal of Engineering, and Technology

Published: 30-06-2024

Research Article

The Development of the Aquatic Product System Using Agile Model: An E-Commerce Application

Glenda P. Binay, Nancy A. Villenas (Author)

Development of Evaporative Cooling System for Preservation of Tomato

Abayineh Nadew, Rabira Nuguse (Author)

Examining the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Predicting Trends and Enhancing Investment Decision-Making

Asere Gbenga Femi, Nuga Kehinde Adetayo (Author)

Development and Performance Evaluation of Grain De-Huller

Abayineh Awgichew Nadew, Rabira Nuguse Hirpho, Abe Tullo Wako (Author)