Research Article

Narratives of Technology and Livelihood Education Teachers in the Use of Authentic Assessment


  • Hanna Claire O. Rosal Department of Business Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines


The study aimed to explore the narratives of teachers in the Philippine educational context. It focused on understanding the strategies implemented by teachers, the responses of students to strategy applied, the difficulties encountered by teachers, and how students responded to authentic assessment execution difficulties. By examining these elements through a phenomenological research design, this research interviewed 13 Junior High School teachers from the Division of Cabuyao. In order to select the right informants and participants for the study, the used of Criterion Sampling Method was utilized. This method is a subtype of Purposive Sampling Method used in research to select individuals based on specific predetermined criteria or characteristics. After gathering the data from the participants, a thematic analysis was done to ensure a comprehensive analysis. The inquiry sought to provide an in-depth analysis of the current state and challenges of authentic assessment in schools in Cabuyao, Laguna, Philippines. The findings revealed that teachers employed a variety of authentic assessment strategies aimed at fostering deeper learning and critical thinking skills among students. These strategies included performance-based assessments, project-based learning, and real-world problem-solving tasks. Students generally responded positively to these methods, showing increased engagement and improved learning outcomes. However, the study also highlighted significant challenges faced by teachers, such as limited resources, large class sizes, and a lack of professional development opportunities. There were also issues expressed in terms of curriculum alignment and support.  These difficulties posed hindrances in the effective implementation of authentic assessments. While authentic assessment strategies offered the potential in enhancing student learning, their successful implementation requires addressing the systemic and individual challenges faced by educators. There is a need for increased support in terms of resources, training, and institutional policies to fully realize the benefits of authentic assessment. The findings underscore the importance of a supportive educational environment that empowers teachers to innovate and apply effective assessment methods that cater to the diverse needs of students.


Authentic Assessment Strategies and Challenges Technology and Livelihood Education

Article information


Journal of Education, Learning, and Management

Volume (Issue)

1(2), (2024)





How to Cite

Rosal, H. C. O. (2024). Narratives of Technology and Livelihood Education Teachers in the Use of Authentic Assessment. Journal of Education, Learning, and Management, 1(2), 27-40.


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