Editorial Team

Editorial Team Members

  • Dr. Andesikuteb Yakubu Ali
    Department of Environmental Management, Bingham University
    Karu, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
  • Dr. Krishan Pal Chauhan
    Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Motherhood University
    Uttarakhand, India
  • Dr. Ch'ng Huck Ywih
    Associate Professor, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry
    Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
    Kota Bharu, Malaysia
  • Dr. Sumanth Kumar Kunda
    Professor, Department of Zoology and Aquaculture
    Acharya Nagarjuna University
    Guntur, India
  • Dr. Palsan Sannasi Abdullah
    Associate Professor, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry
    Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
    Kota Bharu, Malaysia
  • Dr. Hafiz Ali Raza
    Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture Extension and Education
    Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University
    Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Kumara Thevan Krishnan
    Associate Professor, Faculty of Agro-Based Industry
    Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
    Kota Bharu, Malaysia

Apply for Editorial Team

To be a part of the editorial team member, there are some requirements. The requirements are as follows-

  • The applicant should be an academic or potential researcher.
  • The academia should have a designation with a minimum of Associate Professor.
  • For those young researchers who have already published at least 10 articles then the designation can be considered.
  • Should have in-depth knowledge and expertise in the specific domain covered by the journal.
  • The applicant should have an academic portfolio like a Google Scholar Profile, or ResearchGate Profile, or Personal Website.

If you have all the requirements then you are welcome to .