Journal of Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Animal Science (JAAAS)
Frequency: 3 Issues per year
The Journal of Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Animal Science (JAAAS) is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal. It aims to expand the thoughts of researchers globally in the fields of Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Animal Sciences.

Minimal APC

Popular Indexing

Rigorous Review

Unlimited Guidance
Scope of Research
- Agriculture
- Horticulture
- Animal science
- Animal husbandry
- Livestock
- Veterinary
- Aquaculture
- Animal food
- Animal health
- Wildlife species
- Fisheries
- Food
- Oceanography
- Biology of marine
- Fishery science
- Fresh water and marine ecosystem
- Fish culture etc.
- Unlimited Guidance
- Special Waiver Policy
- Publication Certificate
- Opportunity to be Reviewer
- Opportunity to be Ambassador
- Opportunity to be Best Author