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Author Guidelines

1. Accepted Manuscript Types

  1. Research Article
  2. Review Article
  3. Case Study
  4. Short Communication

2. Accepted File Formats

  1. Manuscript: Microsoft Office Word format (.doc/.docx)
  2. Dependent files: Any additional files related to the manuscript, it can be one of the format image, pdf, doc, dataset.

3. Flexible Submission Format

  1. Although the journal asks a formatted manuscript but it is not mandatory. If the submit able file prepared according to Author’s Guidelines, Publication Ethics, and No Conflict of Interests and contains Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Result & Discussion, Conclusion, and References then it is acceptable for the review evaluation.
  2. The journal has a proper guidelines for manuscript preparation but the article can have any format of table, figure, even references. After completing submission if that will not comply with the journal’s format then you will be notified to correct it.
  3. In the submission period if your article’s references are not in APA 7th edition then please submit to the system and make the necessary changes after getting feedback from the editorial office.

4. Cover Letter

Cover letter will be appreciated if the author attached during the submission. The cover letter should be a short description of the whole research and should mention the significant of the study, what is the findings of the research and clarify for what reason this article is suitable for the journal.
The cover letter must have the statements that the submitted article is not considered by other journal and all the author must consent to submit the manuscript.

5. Author Information

  1. To identify the author uniquely the journal asks for the following information during the submission.
  2. Author should provide full name in this name the author’s certificate will be issued.
  3. Author can mention at most two (2) institutional affiliation with designation.
  4. Author’s affiliation can have position, institution, address, country.
  5. It would be highly appreciated if author mention the interested research area.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  1. The article is not published or submitted anywhere else.
  2. The article is suitable with the journal’s aim & scopes.
  3. All authors have given consent to submit the manuscript in this journal after reading the Author’s Guidelines.
  4. The author(s) is/are carefully read publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, authorship, figure formats, data and references format and appropriately considered.
  5. The journal only accepts Microsoft Office Word (.doc/.docx) format of manuscript.
  6. Ensure that there is no conflict of interest.
  7. The authors are encouraged to add his/her biography (optional) to the submission.
  8. It is recommended to provide two reviewers (Name, Affiliation, Email, Research Area) while submitting the article.

Research Article

Before submitting the manuscript as an Original Research, please follow the below instructions

  1. Headpage: The front page must have Title, List of Author with Affiliation & Email, Abstract, Keywords.
  2. Mainpage: The main section should have Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Result & Discussion, Conclusion
  3. Trailpage: Author(s) are also encouraged to describe Dependent Materials, Appendices, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, Author’s Contribution, References (APA 7th edition)

Review Article

Before submitting the manuscript as a Review Article, please follow the below instructions

  1. Headpage: The front page must have Title, List of Author with Affiliation & Email, Abstract, Keywords.
  2. Mainpage: The main section should have Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings & Discussion, Conclusion
  3. Trailpage: Author(s) are also encouraged to describe Dependent Materials, Appendices, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, Author’s Contribution, References (APA 7th edition)

Review Article

Before submitting the manuscript as a Review Article, please follow the below instructions

  1. Headpage: The front page must have Title, List of Author with Affiliation & Email, Abstract, Keywords.
  2. Mainpage: The main section should have Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings & Discussion, Conclusion
  3. Trailpage: Author(s) are also encouraged to describe Dependent Materials, Appendices, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, Author’s Contribution, References (APA 7th edition)

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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