Journal of Management, and Development Research (JMDR)
Frequency: 2 Issues per year
The Journal of Management, and Development Research (JMDR) is a peer-reviewed and open-access international journal published by Stecab Publishing. JMDR aims to disseminate cutting-edge research and innovation with the highest practice of ethical standards by passing rigorous double-blind peer-review processes. The journal also encourages multidisciplinary collaboration, current, advanced research in the wide area of management, development studies, and development research.

Minimal APC

Popular Indexing

Rigorous Review

Unlimited Guidance
Scope of Research
- Management
- Development studies
- Development research
- Women development
- Youth development
- Rural and urban development
- Entrepreneurship
- Business strategy
- Equality, and Diversity
- Cultural management
- Sustainability
- Human resource management
- Organization theory
- Environment management
- Waste management
- Social development
- Tourism and hospitality
- Unlimited Guidance
- Special Waiver Policy
- Publication Certificate
- Opportunity to be Reviewer
- Opportunity to be Ambassador
- Opportunity to be Best Author