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All the journals of Stecab Publishing follows a rigorous double-blind and peer-review policy, where the identities of the authors and reviewers are kept confidential. This approach ensures an impartial evaluation of the manuscript, as reviewers assess the content without any bias related to the authors' identity or affiliations.
Reviewers are selected for each article based on their expertise in the subject matter of the submitted manuscript. The editorial team carefully chooses one or more most qualified reviewers who have relevant knowledge and experience in the specific area of the submitted article.
All the reviewers are expected to maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts they review. They are responsible to not disclose any information about the manuscript or its content to others before publishing the article.
it is requested to the assigned reviewers to provide descriptive feedback and objective comments on the manuscript's fairness, weaknesses, and scopes for improvement of the article. Based on the reviewer's evaluation, they make one of the following recommendations to the editorial team:
The final decision on the submission by the editorial team is based on the reviewers' recommendations and the assessment of the editorial team. The decision is communicated to the authors along with the reviewers' comments to help them understand the rationale behind the verdict.
Authors have the right to appeal a decision if they believe there was an error in the review process. Appeals should be submitted to the journal's editorial office, and they will be carefully considered by the editorial team.
The journal is maintaining the highest standards of double-blind and peer-review to uphold the integrity of the scientific literature and promote advancements in propulsion technology. The journal always appreciate the invaluable contributions of our reviewers, whose expertise and efforts play a vital role in ensuring the quality and impact of the research to the global research community.