Research Article

A Study of Urban Noise Pollution in Jalalabad City of Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan


  • Wafiullah Shirzad Department of Civil Engineering, Alfalah University, Jalalabad, Afghanistan
  • Mohammad Mukhlis Behsoodi Department of Civil Engineering, Alfalah University, Jalalabad, Afghanistan & Research, Compilation and Translation Division, Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education, Jalalabad, Afghanistan

  • Hedayat Ullah Safi Department of Civil Engineering, National Defense University, Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Samiullah Samir National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan


This study examines the pervasive issue of global noise pollution and its implications for human health, specifically concentrating on 16 high-traffic locations within Jalalabad, Afghanistan, utilizing the Sound Meter application for data acquisition. The conspicuous absence of antecedent research accentuates the significance of this inquiry. Analysis identified traffic, loudspeaker systems, and human activities as primary contributors to the ambient noise. Over a meticulously documented 32-day period in March and April of 2023, notable noise peaks were observed, notably at Talshay Square, registering 73.5 dB at 3:00 PM, and at Malang Jan Watt, reaching 87.5 dB at noon. Urgent intervention is imperative to ameliorate these conditions for the well-being of the city's residents, urging policymakers to implement efficacious noise abatement strategies. This research offers pivotal real-time noise data for Jalalabad and suggests mitigation measures, stressing the necessity for further scrutiny to assess strategy effectiveness, aiming for a harmonious urban environment.


dB (decibel) Effects Noise Pollution Traffic Noise Urban

Article information


Journal of Management, and Development Research

Volume (Issue)

1(2), (2024)





How to Cite

Shirzad, W., Behsoodi, M. M., Safi, H. U., & Samir, S. (2024). A Study of Urban Noise Pollution in Jalalabad City of Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. Journal of Management, and Development Research, 1(2), 18-26.


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