Review Article

Book Review: The Way of The Shepherd


  • Jovencio M. Milan Jr. College of Community Health and Allied Medical Sciences, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University-South La Union Campus, Agoo, La Union, Philippines

  • Mylene C. Milan College of Arts and Sciences, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University-South La Union Campus, Agoo, La Union, Philippines


This article employs a reflective analysis to explore the profound significance and relevance of “The Way of the Shepherd” in the context of effective leadership and efficient management. Reflective writing serves as a powerful tool to investigate our experiences, facilitating a comprehensive understanding from multiple viewpoints and theoretical frameworks. By engaging in reflection, individuals can extract enriched lessons from their professional endeavors, thereby enhancing personal and organizational growth. This analysis not only examines the core principles presented in the book but also aligns them with contemporary leadership practices, offering valuable insights for leaders aiming to foster a more effective and empathetic management style. Through reflective practice, this article highlights how the teachings of “The Way of the Shepherd” can be applied to cultivate leadership qualities that inspire, motivate, and guide teams toward achieving their collective goals with a profound sense of purpose and cohesion.


Shepherd Way of the Shepherd Book Review Reflective Analysis

Article information


Journal of Management, and Development Research

Volume (Issue)

1(1), (2024)





How to Cite

Milan, J. M., & Milan, M. C. (2024). Book Review: The Way of The Shepherd. Journal of Management, and Development Research, 1(1), 35-40.


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